you make me laugh
god i can't wait for the apocalypse, or for the robots to take over...
it's makes me laugh when people spout there deluded sense of morality all over the place, do you think any other animal on earth gives two shits about the other animals around the world? No. how are we so different from that? because we're smarter than every other animal? HA! animals don't give a crap about half the things we do and yet we think we're superior. Face it kiddies, we ain't nothing but smart apes, and all your bitching and goverment bashing doesn't mean shit, the only thing that sets us apart is the ability to look past our own limitations. so when you descide to bitch and moan about bush or the evil american mega corporations, stop and think about it from their point of view, have you ever been in charge of something as big as they are? would you fuck it up if you did? you probably don't, because you're here on the internet instead of doing something constructive......
and for your information i'm not american, i couldn't give a crap about america, just sort your shit out people